1)During the experiments,we need to wear a pair of gloves when handling with chemicals.Gloves help us to prevent from direct contact with those harmful chemical eg(sulphuric acid and silver compounds) when there is a spillage.
2)When we are using spectrophotometry,
- we must handle quartz curvette with care as they are in match and it is expensive.
- We have to hold the opaque part of the quartz curvette or else our fingerprints will be left on it which will affect the reading
- We have to use lint free tissue to wipe the quartz curvette instead of normal tissue,in order to prevent fingerprints or the fibre of tissue leave at the side of it which will interfere with the passage of light.
- Close the compartment while taking readings to prevent interference with external light.
- Curvette must be filled to the mark.Overflow will result in corrosion of expensive cell holder and other internal parts.If the level is not up to the mark,the absorbance reading will be air,not the sample.
- The curvette should be well cleaned and drained between samples to obtain accurate absorbance values without cross-contamination or dilution.
4)When the reading is shown on the screen,we must wait until it stabilize first,or average reading can be taken.